Ferry Farm Community Grant Fund

The Ferry Farm Community Solar Project now provides clean energy sufficient to power 1,300 homes.

It is situated at Ferry Farm because the Manhood Peninsula has the best sunshine record in the UK.

This innovative project is expected to produce up to £25,000 every year for a fund to support projects

and initiatives by local community and other groups under the general theme of 'The Environment'.

Selsey Community Forum is proud to administer this fund on behalf of the Ferry Farm

Community Solar Project. For more information, visit the Ferry Farm website.

The 9th Bidding Round for grants ended in January 2024; the results are here.

The 10th Bidding Round is open until 5pm on 31 January 2025 for groups with

environmental projects which must benefit the communities of Selsey and Sidlesham.


It is important to note that applications must conform to the Eligibility Criteria.

All applications are considered and processed in accordance with the

Ferry Farm Community Grants Panel Constitution and Notes for Applicants.


You can download a .docx version of the Application Form which can then be completed using

Microsoft Word or a compatible word processer. This is the preferred method of application.

(To ensure the form is not 'read-only', select 'Save' when prompted and then 'Open' the file.)


You can view and download a .pdf version of the Application Form which can be printed and

completed by hand. If you are unable to print the form, a paper copy can be obtained from:

The Selsey Care Shop, 121 High Street, Selsey PO20 0QB.